It's about your prospects, customers, partners, and employees. When they tune out, more of the same is often to blame: more of the same messages, in more of the same jargon, through more of the same content they’ve seen countless times before. Attention is scarce. Why squander it on more of the same?
Be vivid, instead. Fiercely distinct — on point, yet unexpected — vivid content sparks response; often to buy in, occasionally to push back, but always to ignite conversation. We'll help you craft it.
We've served hundreds of companies and over a thousand of the world's most demanding executives. Our promise: We'll bring to your project everything we've learned about engaging key constituents — all to make you appreciably better at nurturing leads, closing sales, cultivating partners, pursuing investors, and energizing your own teams.
Welcome to bVIVID, producer of fiercely distinct messaging and content.
Your alternative to more of the same.
Considered among the finest producers of B2B messaging and content, and appreciative of this distinction, my team and I equip companies to spark response from key constituents: prospects, customers, analysts, investors, partners, and employees.
My career began at The New York Times, where I wrote for the Sunday edition. From there I moved into corporate and marketing communications through successive roles at Dun & Bradstreet, KPMG, and PepsiCo. Today I continue to traverse verticals from Enterprise Tech to WealthTech, MedTech to EdTech, Consumer IoT to Industrial IoT, and CPG to Cybersecurity.
I went to Stony Brook University, where I was editor-in-chief of the campus newspaper and won the Buskin Prize for Journalism, sponsored by Newsday. A grateful father of four, I run five miles a day and do some of my best work between miles two and five.